Companies who are cutting back on hiring for critical positions or cutting back on the use of good, trustworthy placement firms are making a terrible mistake for many reasons:
Typical changes within the industry that would take many weeks, or months, to occur are happening now every 6 to 12 days.
However, these changes do not impact the need to hire critical roles. Fear of taking a hiring risk is deterring some companies from maximizing best talent acquisition practices. Good placement firms know the industry, the trends, and the demand for talent. They understand what’s to come and what to expect.
Some companies feel that due to unemployment, they will get enough job applicants, which is not accurate.
By only relying on unemployed applicants you are essentially reducing your top talent pool to professionals who are actively seeking a job. In good markets and bad markets, this pool represents a very tiny fraction of the recruiting bandwidth reach by a recruiting firm. Advanced Hires generates thousands of applicants per week (far better than if clients did directly), and even this only represents a small fraction of candidates as we aggressively and proactively go after people who are not applying. Reducing your pool to unemployed job applicants cuts you short from the true talent reach that companies like Advanced Hires has figured out.
Whatever uptick you may be experiencing in job interest, recruiting companies are experiencing 10-fold.
So if you went from getting 10 applicants per week internally during normal market times and now are getting 20, our reach would be approximately 200 to your 10. The uptick in unemployment applications will multiple and recruiting firms like Advanced Hires has a FAR greater pool of candidates to sort through and select from.
The market is going to bounce back and when it does, it will VERY strong.
If you thought it was hard before to get top talent in the door, good luck trying later (with or without a placement firm). Now is the time to hire for critical roles.
Companies are deterred by budget cuts, but Advanced Hires has a solution.
That’s why Advanced Hires has developed the COVID-19 Placement Fee Forgiveness option, specifically to address this. Again, it’s a terrible mistake to not hire for critical roles and not to use a trustworthy placement firm like Advanced Hires to maximize the ability to bring top talent to the door.