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The Star Method is a technique used to answer behavioral interview questions. This format helps explain real world examples and how you handled the situations. The Star Method is especially useful when interviewers ask questions like, “Tell me about a time you solved a problem at work” or other responses that ask for a longer explanation.

So what is the Star Method?

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Set the scene and give the necessary details of your example.


Describe what your responsibility was in that situation.


Explain exactly what steps you took to address it.


Share what outcomes your actions achieved.


Let’s look at the Star Method as an example in a fictional interview with a gardener looking for a new job. The interviewer askes the gardener to explain how they managed a stressful situation at work. The gardener responds using the Star Method:



“There was a really aggressive aphid problem in our rose garden. Customers complained and we were losing money because our roses were constantly dying.”


“It was my job to find a way to eliminate the aphids without harming the roses or causing any further damage, while being able to recoup some of our losses.”


“Through extensive research, I was able to find a spray that would chase away the aphids without harming any of the plants in our garden. I then mixed a special new soil of my own creation that helped promote rose growth.”


“The aphids have stayed away from the roses and now the flowers are blooming quickly and beautifully! Our customers are very happy and the garden is healthy and flourishing.”


Now you can go out and use the Star Method in your next interview!