Kevin Scholz and Tina Rock of Advanced Hires are proud to volunteer for Easterseals Project SEARCH at the Children’s Hospital. Project SEARCH involves conducting mock interviews for young individuals with disabilities as they continue to maximize their talents in preparing for a career. It was an inspiring event to attend and it was especially moving to see the talent and ability these young individuals have.
Project SEARCH is an exciting transition program to train adults with disabilities for employment. It is a unique, business-led program that takes place entirely in a host business from September through early June. Total workplace immersion facilitates a seamless combination of classroom instruction, career exploration and relevant job skills. 82% of Project SEARCH graduates have found community based employment.
Advanced Hires remains extremely engaged throughout the community when it comes to preparing young adults for a career. This includes involvement on several committees, board discussions, speaking at colleges and universities, involvement with many non-profit initiatives aimed at preparing young adults for a career, and involvement with several government entities who strive to ensure proper curriculum and resources are matched with the current and future needs of the community.