(800) 318-5890 or (414) 909-9000 info@advancedhires.com

According to Charles Darwin’s Origin of Species, the species that survives is the one that is able best to adapt and adjust to the changing environment in which it finds itself. It’s not necessarily about strength or intelligence, but rather adaptability. The same is true in business. During the pandemic we have seen many companies fold, cut back, or eliminate positions, despite their powerful leadership or expansive size.

Advanced Hires isn’t the biggest or oldest placement firm in the country, but we have something others don’t: Adaptability. We did not lose any employees in 2020, and in fact increased our recruiting bandwidth and added several new members to our internal team. We also created a unique payment plan for our clients that allowed flexibility and forgiveness for the companies we work with. On top of that, Advanced Hires also committed to giving back to our community, donating to United Way and spearheading a book drive for Literacy Services of Wisconsin. We are currently working with Versiti to implement a blood drive in our offices at the end of January 2021.

Advanced Hires has showed a level of adaptability to the change that has invaded our community (and world) that elevates us above and beyond other recruiting companies in the Milwaukee area. If you are looking for a trustworthy team that can help you either in hiring a quality candidate or finding a new position in the tech space and beyond, Advanced Hires is the one you want to connect with.

Contact us today to see if we would be a good fit for your needs! You can also email admin@advancedhires.com, or call us at 414.909.9000.