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After working for prolonged periods of time your body can benefit from a quick refresh. Follow this list for a quick break before you get back into action:

Drink water


Hydrate yourself! Drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day can be a game changer in your work life. Keeping yourself from getting too dehydrated is key. If you’re feeling antsy and burned out, trying drinking a glass of water and seeing if that helps you. You might find that all you needed to refresh yourself is a few sips of water. Remember that you can drink fun beverages too! Sparkling water and flavored seltzers are usually zero calories or sugar and can be a fun drink to have in the afternoon!


Eat a snack


Feeling drained and tired? When was the last time you had anything to eat? Keeping some nuts or fruit near your desk can be really helpful. Seeing it will be a visual reminder for you to eat. If your blood sugar gets too low at work, your productivity will suffer. Make sure you are listening to your body’s needs and not just ignoring them. If you’re hungry, eat a snack. A little afternoon pick-me-up can make a huge difference in your day.


Stand up and stretch 


Try our Chair Yoga! Or simply do some arm stretches near your desk. This gets your blood circulating and helps to break up any tension you might be carrying in your neck, shoulders, and back. It’s also helpful to stand up for a minute or two every hour in order to keep yourself feeling healthy and fresh. If you’re tired and approaching the midday lull, take the time to do some stretching instead.


Take a short walk


Get those legs moving! If accessible to you, taking a short walk down the hall or around the building can really rev up your productivity when you return to your desk. Taking that time to move a little bit can brush off the cobwebs and get some endorphins moving, allowing you to re-focus and concentrate on your tasks for the rest of the day. This is also an excellent tactic to use during lunch. If working out during your lunch period is available to you, definitely try to do that a few times during the week.


Person Raising Her Hands