Advanced Hires knows the importance of being productive during your workday. It’s especially important when you are working from home, or navigating a new office or job. Our internal team knows the benefits that can come from doing things like breaking up the day or staying hydrated. You’d be surprised at how many small things can improve your work ethic. The following are 4 simple productivity tips to help you get the most out of your workday:
1.) Always make sure you get up and away from your desk multiple times a day.
This can include things like having a planned workout in the middle of your day, going for a walk, planning a lunch outside the office or away from your desk. Go speak to a colleague a time or two go get a cup of coffee. Breaking the day up is instrumental in keeping yourself fresh and motivated.
2.) Drink plenty of water and plan out your meals so are staying healthy.
Drops in blood sugar and being dehydrated are great ways to lose focus and concentration on your tasks. If you make sure to give your body the fuel it needs, you’ll find that your work will improve, especially in the times right after eating or drinking.
3.) It always helps to create a good environment for where you’re working!
That can come from listening to music, a podcast or a book, or having something soothing on the TV in the background with sound off. Perhaps you have soft lighting at your desk, or a pleasing poster to look at in your workspace. Whatever works for you without being distracting is good. The goal is to have something that will uplift you and inspire you to work harder and better.
4.) Make a list of goals for the day so that you can get the satisfaction of crossing items off that list.
You can expand it to include weekly, or even monthly, goals as well. This will keep you focused and also give you something positive to work towards.
What other productivity tips do you use to keep your work ethic up?