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Setting career goals are important, but what kind of goals should you set? Set goals that will help point you in the direction of your desired career. Here are some of the most important career goals you can set:

  1. Increase knowledge and training
  2. Boost networking ability
  3. Increase earnings
  4. Attain a leadership role


1. Increase Knowledge and Training

You can do this by attending classes (virtual or otherwise), finding a work mentor, attending training sessions or webinars, or by asking to shadow a colleague who you admire. By increasing your knowledge and training, you will maximize your professional and interpersonal skills, making you an even more valuable employee.


Correctly utilizing your social media and LinkedIn pages are another great way to boost your networks.


Photo of Sticky Notes and Colored Pens Scrambled on Table

2. Boost Networking Ability 

Now that things are starting to go back to normal, in-person networking will be opening back up again. You should take advantage of network events, professional meetups, and in-person speaker events. If you’re not comfortable with that, there’s still plenty of virtual events you can attend. Correctly utilizing your social media and LinkedIn pages are another great way to boost your networks.

3. Increase Earnings

Maybe that means you’re ready for a new job. Maybe it’s time for you to ask for a raise. Maybe you’re ready for a promotion. Whatever it is, increasing your earnings is a great goal to have for your career. This also directly relates to your other goals because the stronger you make yourself as an employee and candidate, the better chance you have at increasing your salary.


You don’t need to become a manager to be a leader.


4. Attain a Leadership Role

This doesn’t necessarily mean you need to become a manager, there are other leadership roles you can take on in your company, from leading a team, to spearheading a new project, figure out a way that you can use your skills to attain a leadership role in your company. Becoming a leader can make you stand out, as well as help you to learn better communication and managing skills.


What else? What other career goals can you set for yourself so that you succeed and thrive in your career?