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The Advanced Hires team has made personal and professional goals going into the new year and thought that instead of sharing what those are, it would be more helpful to talk about how to achieve those goals. It’s well and good to set resolutions at work, but how can you keep them? Our team has experience in furthering the career paths of not just themselves, but of clients and candidates. In this new blog series, we will explore what tips we have to offer and how you can make your professional goals a reality.

Recruiter Mike Karpinski says that his advice for anyone trying to complete a professional resolution this year is to REWARD YOURSELF.

Make sure your goal is something that is challenging, but also achievable because otherwise you are setting yourself up for failure. Have clearly defined steps for how you plan to achieve your goals over the course of a year that are sustainable on a day-to-day basis. Reward yourself every week with something you enjoy as a result of achieving your day-to-day steps for the week. Example – going out for a ice cream or going to see a movie. Put your goals on a post-it note on your desk so that you see it every day.