Advanced Hires presented to the young talented individuals of Inner-city Stars (IC Stars) today on the topic of resumes. IC Stars is involved with identifying, training, and jump-starting technology careers for Chicago-area low-income young adults who, although lacking access to education and employment, demonstrate extraordinary potential for success in the business world and for impact in their communities. IC Stars has brought the proven Chicago concept to Milwaukee and Advanced Hires was asked to participate in the resume preparation program.
Resumes are a lot more than a list of responsibilities, education, certifications, and employment histories. It’s ALL about DEMONSTRATING A CAPACITY TO SUCCEED on paper. We call the concept DACTS – Demonstrating a Capacity to Succeed. Effective resumes need to come to life and reach out to the hiring manager in a way where they say “wow.”
For the most part, young individuals lack the experience that many employers are looking for, however, the good news is that there are strategic ways to Demonstrate a Capacity to Succeed with the right detailed documentation of project-based work, describe work experience and responsibilities using accomplishments, starting bullet-points with action words, proactively obtaining and incorporating testimonials, incorporating transferable skills unrelated to the specific role, focusing on character, and much more. Have an excellent profile picture, use readable font, define and acronyms, connect with as many people on LinkedIn as possible, join LinkedIn groups, and more.
More and more managers hire people for the person they are. The best experience a person can have is experience in succeeding in roles for which someone walked into and had no prior experience. Show what you accomplished and how you were able to figure it out and make it happen. This demonstrates a capacity to succeed. Show an ownership, accountability, and responsibility mindset with all tasks while never blaming others.
Advanced Hires is a state leader with respects to initiatives that involve preparing young IT individuals for a career in IT. In addition to IT Stars, we are involved in so many ways when it comes to helping upcoming IT professionals including:
• IT United by the United Way
• National Center for Woman in Technology (NCWIT)
• Several high-school’s
• Employ Milwaukee
• Milwaukee Area Technical College (MATC)
• Milwaukee School of Engineering (MSOE)
• University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee (UWM)
• Department of Workforce Development
Additionally, Advanced Hires is involved with many other initiatives as seen on our “causes” page. We are involved with many initiatives not listed due to confidentiality and are becoming involved in even more that we will list. We believe we are involved and connected more than any IT recruiting firm in Wisconsin when it comes to preparing young people for a career in IT.
If you would like Advanced Hires to become involved in your initiative or you would like to get plugged in, please reach out to us. We are distinguishing ourselves as the leader in this area.