(800) 318-5890 or (414) 909-9000 info@advancedhires.com

Advanced Hires continues to make significant strides in the IT Recruiting and Placement industry each and every week.

Much has happened throughout the month of July. Throughout the month of July, Advanced Hires has:

  • We are sad to announce the death Linda Johnson, the mother of our Senior Recruiter, Vicki Johnson.
  • Are currently working on a new record breaking number of job orders as we continue to expand.
  • Have had multiple Fortune 500 companies come to us asking for recruiting on several permeant IT roles.
  • Follow up from Tina Rock’s huge birthday party, attended by over 100 individuals, proves the massive success from the event.
  • As part of our commitment to continue to give back, donated Platelets and Blood for the Blood Center.
  • Remain actively engaged in IT United and many other causes.
  • Due to the record breaking number of orders, we increased the number of job board postings. Please note that most of all placements are because of our recruiting methodology, recruiting expertise, and recruiting tools, while only a small number are through the many job boards we utilize.
  • Attended the Society of Information Managers annual golf outing.
  • Attended many other networking functions and gatherings. Please get in touch with us to discuss best networking practices in this industry.
  • Obtained several new job orders for non-IT roles from existing clients.
  • We continue to assist Veterans with resumes at no charge (a $500 – $1,000 value).
  • We remain actively engaged in many causes as shown on our causes page.
  • Had many meetings with several leaders in the industry and are moving forward with unique strategies.
  • Are in the process of developing new mobile apps.